Thursday, January 17, 2008

8 Tips To Speed Up Your Fat Burning Furnace

Eat often

You hear it everyday, yet you still can't believe its true. Constantly eating nutritious foods will keep your body working to burn more calories. Instead of eating big meals 3 times a day, break them up so that you’re eating 6 “mini meals” throughout the day. You’ll be able to eat less and still stay full. Best of all your energy levels will drastically increase due to the continuous eating throughout your day.

Lift weights

I know, I know you don't like hearing this but the truth is that if you lift weights you won't get big and bulky. But what you will do is decrease the amount of fat and increase long lean muscle.

Just a little FYI - muscle burns fat!

When you think of lifting weights, don’t automatically think of that crazy, huge guy with veins popping out of his head lifting 100 lbs at the gym. Instead, think of like 5 or even 10-pound weights. While you work with these weights try to go for 15-20 repetitions – try to implement some weight lifting with your exercise routine and you’ll start to see a change immediately.

Exercise daily

Once a month just won't cut it. If you really want to see results you have to put in a decent effort. Which means that you've got to be doing physical exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes to an hour. Often women come up to me and say,

“But Marci I do a lot of house work, and chores around the house, and I’m staying active.”

This is a perfect of example of what the difference between physical exercise and physical activity is.

In the end physical exercise is what we’re looking for, you’ve got to take your body to a new level of stress to change and see results.

Lay off the processed foods

See all that food in your fridge and cupboards? How much of them have glucose or sucrose in their ingredient list. Eating refined foods will damage your body in ways you wouldn't even imagine. Often they put you on a sugary roller coaster that can leave you feeling energized to sluggish with hours. So instead of eating those “fake foods”, go for the raw fruits and veggies instead.

Save time with circuit training

Busy with kids or the family? Can’t find that power hour to workout? Don’t worry you don’t need an hour anyways. You can easily condense an hour’s workout into 30 minutes. Instead of taking a break after you’ve finished one exercise, move to the other exercise immediately. This is going to keep your heart rate up and make your muscles work even harder. 30 minutes of this and you’ll be good to go!

Drink water

Drinking water is essential for hydration, but it plays another important role. It can actually help you lose weight. Water has no calories, which means that you can take down your caloric intake by consuming more water than juice or any other beverage on the planet.

Get up and move at work

Sometimes this is out of your power, but if you can get up at work and stretch your legs for a couple of minutes then do it. Sitting at the computer all day won’t help you achieve the weight loss you want. Take a walk to the water cooler, even if you’re not thirsty. Find reasons to just walk around every hour and your body will thank you.

Walk, walk, and walk

Walking can be an extraordinary exercise. But I’m not talking about walking in the mall, or down the street. I’m talking about walking up hills or on the beach. Also, your pace has got to be fast enough so that your heart rate can increase and you actually feel like you’re getting a work out – and yes it should feel like work.

Marci Lall is a Womens Weight Loss & Body Sculpting Specialist. visit his website to get his FREE report "16 tips on how to get maximum weight loss and fitness results in minimum time"

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