Thursday, February 28, 2008

Heating System School & Furnace Repair Training Opportunities

Heating and climate control systems are installed in virtually every residential and commercial building in the United States, and as the population grows, so will the number of Heating and climate control systems in use. This is one of the major reasons that the US Department of Labor list the HVAC job field as one of the fastest growing job markets in the United States through 2014.

With major heating system technician job market expansion comes a greater demand for trained heating service people. Heating System Training courses, which can be taken to become a Certified Heating System service person are quite cost effective and can be completed in as few as a few months. Many technical schools and trade schools offer heating repair training and heating installation classes. It is important that you choose the right heating school for your needs. It is suggested that you research your heating school training options and find a school that offers all of the following services:

  • Hands on heating system and furnace training
  • On site heating repair training
  • Credits acknowledged by University of Phoenix and many other universities and technical/trade schools
  • An experienced faculty and staff with industry experience
  • Financial aid assistance
  • Graduate placement assistance programs

Courtesy The Refrigeration School Inc Learn More About Heating System Schools

Both residential and commercial buildings are serviced by heating mechanics that must carry out installations, service the systems, and provide the needed repairs. Furnace installers, other wise known as heating equipment technicians, use the blueprints and specs to put in oil, gas, electric, solid-fuel, and multiple-fuel heating systems. Once the central equipment is set up, technicians will also put in fuel and water lines, ducts and vents for air, and pumps along with other parts as needed. Technicians will ensure that the system is performing properly, as well as making the proper connections between wires and their controls. A combustion test using carbon dioxide or oxygen testers will be used to check that the system is indeed working as desired.

In addition to furnace installations, heating techs will maintain and repair maintenance and the system as needed to make sure it is functioning properly. For example, technicians will make adjustments on the burners and blowers during the fall and winter because they are used the most during those seasons. When a system is failing, the thermostat, burner nozzle, and controls will be inspected in an attempt to identify the problem.

Whether this is your first job, a career change to a better job or the ability to upgrade your current job, The Refrigeration School, Inc (RSI) iof Phoenix AZ s an essential stepping-stone in your career path. RSI does not offer a simple "job placement" service but instead, we help you develop your career and give you the tools and strategies you need to take advantage of career opportunities.

The Refrigeration School, Inc or RSI trains you in the technical services that are needed today including Heating Repair training and Heating System school. RSI offers not only HVAC training but also assistance in seeking financial aid and our Placement Assistance staff works with each graduate to find the right employment.

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Residential Heating Oil Furnaces

State of the art technologies bring heating oil systems into the 21st Century.

Furnaces no longer just blow hot air through the house. Whether you are looking at upgrading your present heating oil system or installing a new one, one fact remains constant: heating oil systems are better and smarter today than they have ever been before!

They are designed as the focal point of a comprehensive, efficient, clean and safe system to heat your home. But it?s not all about heat. The same ductwork that connects the furnace to the rest of the residence can be used as the conduit for other forms of conditioned air as well. For example:

? Cooling with central air.

? Moisture control with a humidifier

? Eliminate dusts and pollens with a central air cleaning system.

Innovative technologies are producing heating oil furnaces with efficiencies in fuel-to-heat conversion ranging from 81% to 95%. The use of low-mass combustion chambers and improvements in the design of heat exchangers, coupled with high-pressure flame retention burners and innovative microprocessor-based controls are just several reasons for this leap in efficiency.

Modern furnaces can save you money, too, as an effective way to cut energy costs! Efficiency in the use of your heating oil pays for itself while providing an increase in comfort, peace of mind through confidence in the equipment and low exhaust emissions promote a cleaner environment as well. Several of these innovations are highlighted below:

? ?Smart? controls: The latest in micro-processing technologies allows the system to automatically adjust itself to changing environmental requirements resulting in fewer ?on/off? cycles. This reduces fuel consumption, wear on equipment, exhaust emissions and electrical usage by the system.

? High-pressure flame retention burners: Hotter flames with less air and fuel required are evidence of improvements in the high-flow atomization and vaporizing technologies used in the newer burners today.

? It?s safe: Fuel oil, in its natural liquid state, won?t burn. It must be vaporized to ignite. It will not burn if a lit match is thrown into a puddle of it. By virtue of this quality, it cannot explode when exposed to a spark or flame. Also, heating oil fumes are not poison like natural gas.

? Clean Burning: The average oil burning system emits 6 ounces of particulate emissions (soot) per year or roughly 1/8th of a pound of soot for every ton of fuel oil burned. That marks a 95% improvement over the last 25 years or so. There are no federal regulations on heating oil emissions.

If you heat with another source of energy or are building new, then you should be aware that heating oil is a viable option to meet your family?s heating needs.

Heating oil technology has kept pace with the competition from other heating options and in some cases surpassed it. If you currently heat with oil, then it is a safe bet that it will continue to serve you well into the new century before us.

For more information on Home Heating Oil Prices and energy solutions, visit Home Heating Oil Prices Do your research,save yourself some money. John Bogdanski a renegade Oil Heat marketing executive, rips open the curtain,exposing the industry.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Add On Wood Furnace - Are You Adding Heat or Headaches?

On the face of it, the addition of an Add On Wood Furnace to your existing furnace sounds like a great idea. If you cut, split and season your own firewood, you already know how much money you're saving over your propane poor neighbor.

Installing a wood furnace also tames the unavoidable messiness of burning wood by moving it to the basement.

Best of all, you can purchase a basic add on wood furnace for less than an inexpensive pellet stove.

However, the complex installation of an add on wood furnace goes a long way towards canceling out the benefits. When you install an add on furnace you not only have two furnaces; you now have two thermostats, two blowers, two plenums and two chimneys. Not to mention the connecting ductwork and dampers.

You don't have to be a home heating expert to imagine all the possible scenarios for failure.

As with any other type of furnace, the warranty and building codes requires installation by a licensed HVAC professional.

But this requirement alone doesn't necessarily guarantee your add on furnace will be installed for maximum efficiency. Simply because someone's been installing gas furnaces for 30 years doesn't mean their first attempt at installing an add on wood furnace will be a complete success.

Another problem that wood furnace manufacturers never address is a convenient way to store and transport a winter's worth of firewood without making hundreds of trips up and down the basement stairs.

Finding the least expensive way to heat your home will always involve trade-offs. As with an add on wood furnace, buying the cheapest appliance to burn the cheapest fuel is not without its drawbacks.

Improve your home with Alternative Heating

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Heat Up Your Fat Burning Furnace

Food is the most important factor in burning off excess body fat. You have heard eating more fruits and vegetables will contribute to greater loss of body fat. Fruits and vegetables provides your body with more nutrients without all the excess empty calories which in many cases is stored as body fat. If you are not exercising often and at a high level of intensity this is one way to keep your body fat levels in check. Keeping your intake of lean meats in balance with your intake of starches will help to maintain balanced blood sugar levels keeping you in the fat burning zone. The whole idea is to always burn fat even when at rest. Having high blood sugar is counter productive to fat burning.

Exercise is next, which elevates your heart rate and respiration which starts the process of activating the release of stored body fat to be used as fuel for much needed additional energy. This is a critical part of the fat burning process. If however, you are only burning sugar it will be very difficult to reduce your body fat levels. Your objective is to raise your heart rate just a little higher than when it is at rest and to keep it there for a minimum of twenty minutes and building up to one hour or more at a time. Try to do this this at least five times per week by walking, bike riding or any form of aerobic exercise that you enjoy.

Lean Muscles is the furnace that keeps your metabolism running on high. Whenever someone says their metabolism is slow it is usually someone who is not doing any strength training or only does the bare minimum. Increasing this metabolic furnace is a must to keep the body fat from escalating. Almost everyone can benefit by training with some basic bodybuilding principles. Performing muscle building exercises for all of the muscle groups on your body a minimum of two times per week, three or four is better depending on your experience and fitness level. If you are not strength training you are not doing all you can to achieve your fat loss goals.

Roy Gutierrez is a personal trainer located in Tampa Florida. He has been helping his personal training and weight loss coaching clients achieve their goals for more than fifteen years. Get a FREE subscription to his biweekly newsletter, available when you visit

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An Indoor Wood Burning Furnace May Mean a New Career

Are you looking for an immensely cheap way to heat your home? Every year, you get that bite cutting into your pocket book every year when the mercury on the thermometer dips low. This article is really to give you some information on the indoor wood furnace and the outside wood furnace. First of all, it may sound elementary but it's useful to learn a bit about wood and some of its burning characteristics. A cord of wood stands 4 feet wide and 4 feet high and 8 feet long. In this measurement, there is an allowance made for air pockets, so you're going to get about 85 ft.? out of a cord of wood. One pound of wood on the average produces 7500 BTU's of heat, regardless of the species.

One important consideration to remember is that dense heavy wood will deliver more heat per cord. You'll want to take this into consideration when comparing prices for different kinds of wood. Each log contains moisture, and it takes about 1,000 BTU's to evaporate the moisture from each pound. Dry wood produces 10 to 30% less creosote and is more usable to heat your home. It's a good idea to burn drier wood for an indoor wood burning furnace. A good practice to get into is to cut or buy green wood in the early spring or late winter, dry it as quickly as you can by cutting it to length and stack it so the air can circulate through the pile. If you stack the wood outside, make sure you cover it from the weather and hold it for 18 months, or if you can, indoor storage is certainly more preferable. Here is a very interesting tip for you! If you fell your own trees for your furnace, cut them in the spring or summer and leave them "unlimbed" until the leaves wither, as they will draw moisture out of the wood. Cut the wood to the longest length possible to fit in your firebox, as the longer it is, the longer the fire will hold. Seasoned wood carries about 20% moisture content.

One type indoor wood furnace is made by several manufacturers and you may want to consider goodman furnace as one of your choices. Essentially, all you do is put unsplit logs into the firebox and ignite them with kindling and paper. The firebox is ceramic and as the fire grows, fresh air flows through the air intake manifold and fans the flames. After the gas is heated to a temperature of 2,000?F, it then flows out of the firebox and down the flame path toward the exhaust vent. This incredibly hot air moves toward the vent and its energy passes through a fluid flowing through an internal heat exchanger. This heat transfer fluid reaches 180?F before circulating to an external heat exchanger, usually mounted on the back of the furnace. The energy produced by the furnace is then passed to the home heating system. This heat exchanger is usually sold as an option.

To control the operation of the furnace, there are usually dual aquastats. One controls the damper on the air intake manifold by monitoring the temperature of the heat transfer fluid. When the desired temperature is reached, the damper closes, shutting off the flow of fresh air and thus extinguishing the fire. When your home cools off and more heat is needed, the damper opens and the furnace re-fires. Heat that is stored in the refractory walls of the firebox will support automatic re-firing for up to two days. The second aquastat is wired to your home heating system, and will continue to run for a short period of time after the furnace shuts down and will dissipate residual heat from the fire.

The decision as to whether an outside wood furnace or an indoor wood furnace would be more suitable for your application will depend upon your personal preference. As the name implies, the outdoor wood furnace sits outdoors, much like a utility building and is usually 50 to 100 feet away and may be safer than an indoor one. The outdoor furnace concept is simple, safe and effective. The outdoor application also removes the danger of a wood- stove fire in the house. If you're considering a wood-fired heating system for your home, be sure to consult with the experts online. Also visit your local dealer and learn more about whether an indoor wood furnace or an outside wood furnace would be more suitable for you. Good luck!

Terry Price is a successful publisher and author on the topic of the home heating systems at: Remarkable cash savings exist with the right furnace application - Did you enjoy this article?

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Benifits of Electrostatic Furnace Filters

As an Air Quality/Duct Cleaning specialist I am often consulted upon for my educational experience regarding indoor air quality issues. With the advancements being made in air filtration I am often asked for my opinion on various filtration options one of which are electrostatic furnace filters. As a duct cleaning technician myself, I am a strong advocate of electrostatic air filters.

I have written a brief summary of the benefits of owning such a filter

-Savings: Electrostatic air filters will help keep heating components and A/C coils from being coated with dust particles. Dirt is the #1 cause of heating & cooling system failures, and a cleaner system also operates more efficiently which saves you money on both energy consumption and equipment repairs. Additionally, Electrostatic filters are permanent which save you money on disposable filters.

-Allergy Relief: Asthma, allergy and respiratory symptoms can be significantly reduced when exposure to dust, pollen, mold spores and animal dander is controlled by the electrostatic properties of these filters.

-Housekeeping: Household dust will be collected on the electrostatic media of the filter when the furnace or A/C system is operating. Less frequent dusting will be a welcome benefit to housekeeping.

-Environmentally friendly: Electrostatic filters are a permanent lifetime filter, you will no longer have to toss out disposable filters every month into the landfill (The environment will love you for it)

-Easy to maintain: Instead of replacing your standard throw away filter, an electrostatic filter simply needs to be cleaned periodically to achieve best filtration results and optimum furnace efficiency.

Keeping your Air and Your HVAC system clean:

Having your duct system professionally cleaned is a vital part of dramatically improving the indoor air in your home. The addition of a high performance air filter will provide many benefits and intervals for duct cleaning. Electrostatic high performance efficiency furnace filters removes dust, pollen, mold spores and animal dander as the air circulates through your central system. Clean, filtered air benefits the entire family. Children and the elderly are most effected by indoor air pollution and will benefit greatly from the clean air that exits from this filter.

How does it work?

Electrostatic filters work on the principal of "static electricity" not "electricity". The filter media has a Negative charge throughout the entire surface which is enhanced by air passing through, Tiny particles such as dust, pollen and mold have a Positive charge and are therefore attracted to the filter like a magnet . These particulates are the culprits of our indoor environmental air pollution. Electrostatic furnace filter is designed to trap these particles and remove them from the air that you breathe

Pat Johnson - President of Enviro-Pure Air Care Residential Duct Cleaning in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Visit their electrostic filter page at Furnace Filters Ottawa

Pat has many years experience in the Duct Cleaning Industry and has written numerous articles on the subject.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

When Looking At Heating For Your Home Consider High Efficiency Gas Furnaces

In today's increasingly energy conscious society, one must consider the energy efficiency of every product they purchase. Whether it's your car's gas mileage or how much electricity your refrigerator uses, we've all become more aware of our energy usage.

There are two main reasons for this, and they're pretty obvious. One, inefficient energy use costs more money. It's safe to say we're all looking to lower our bills and switching to energy efficient appliances is a big step in that direction. The other reason to use high efficiency appliances is the understanding that many of our energy sources are finite. In other words, eventually we'll run out.

One of the biggest users of energy in our homes and workplaces are the heating units. Just like most other major household products, gas furnaces have become more efficient than ever before. Natural gas is an economical method for home heating and now you can find all sorts of high efficiency gas furnaces on the market.

High efficiency gas furnaces tend to cost more than conventional gas furnaces. This is for a couple reasons. They're not yet produced on the same scale as conventional furnaces so there are still cost factors to overcome which have to be passed on to the consumer. Secondly, high efficiency gas furnaces employ the latest technologies, which, as we all know, always kicks up the cost of a product. Innovation isn't free. However, keep in mind, that this is just an initial start-up cost. Sure, you may be laying down more money at the outset, but the money you'll save with a high efficiency gas furnace will soon make up the difference and even pay for itself in the end.

Investing in a high efficiency natural gas furnace is well worth it, and let's not forget the environment. An energy efficient furnace will use less fuel, which means using less natural resources, and which means releasing less greenhouse gases into our fragile atmosphere. That's a cost that can't be calculated in dollars.

These days, gas furnaces have stickers on them which gives their AFUE number. AFUE stands for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency. A high efficiency natural gas furnace will have a AFUE number ranging from the high 80's to the high 90's. Furnaces with AFUE's below that range are considered medium efficiency. Such furnaces cost less but will also save you less in bills.

Another thing to look for when shopping for a high efficiency natural gas furnace is an Energy Star sticker. If it has an Energy Star label, that means its AFUE rating is in the 90's.

Remember, no matter how energy efficient your furnace is, you need to maintain it properly and keep it, along with your vents clean. A dirty or poorly maintained furnace will cause a drop in efficiency and increases in cost and fuel consumption.

There is plenty of helpful information available online and from your local furnace dealers. High efficiency natural gas furnaces may cost more at first, but the money you save and the benefit to the environment makes them a wise investment.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as electric heaters at

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How Often Do We Need To Have Our Furnaces Cleaned

For those people who live in area's of the country that gets cold, it's time to think about your heating equipment. With the technology new furnaces have today there isn't much to do on them as far as setting them up for winter. In the old days (10 years ago and before) we were told to have our furnaces and boilers checked once a year. But now furnaces and boilers have electronics doing most of the work. There are only a couple of things that a service tech needs to do in today's furnaces and boilers as far as a "clean and check" goes.

The old days:

In the old days when a service man (politically correct term today is "service tech" this term started about 21 years ago) when out on a "clean and check," he had all kinds of things to do. First he pulled out all the burners and blew them out with co2, then he checked the heat exchanger for cracks using a mirror, then vacuumed up any dirt he found. He also changed the "thermocouple" (on a standing pilot, where the pilot flame burns all the time, the thermocouple tells the gas valve there is a pilot light, and it's ok to open, and start the heat sequence) on the "pilot light" and blew out the pilot light assembly to make sure it would burn clean and that the pilot flame was positioned correctly on the thermocouple, and on the burner pilot runner.

After that he pulled the blower, and if it was a belt drive blower, oiled the squirrel cage bearings, motor bearings, and checked the belt for cracks . On a "direct drive blower" all he had to do was just oil the bearings on the motor.

Now all the burners are cleaned and the heat exchanger has been checked for cracks and everything is back in place, including the blower.On to the next step.

Now, if the service man was worth his salt, he checks the most important part of the furnace, the "limit switch". There's a limit switch in every; gas, oil, electric, or propane furnace, or boiler. It's main function is to turn on the blower (usually 200') and shut it off (around 110 or 100' any cooler, and you would feel like there was a draft) and the most important job it has is to tell the "gas valve" to shut down the burners incase the blower fails. It keeps the furnace or boiler (boilers also have a "safety relief valve" like hot water heaters) from over heating and starting a fire.

What the better guys did was pull the blower wire off the limit switch and start the furnace burners. With the blower wire pulled off the limit switch, the blower can't start, and when the furnaces gets to about 200 degrees, the burners should shut off and not relight again until the furnaces cools and lowers it's temperature to about 140 degrees. Some guys just checked the limit switch by rotating the dial on the limit switch and blower settings until the burners shut off. I liked taking the wire off the limit switch and testing it that way because it was more real life working conditions in the event of blower failure.

One of the last things, and just as important as checking the limit switch, was to check the "flue pipe" to make sure it, or the chimney, hasn't been blocked by soot or birds. It wasn't uncommon to find dead birds in the flue. Some even made it into people's basements. This doesn't happen anymore with the new furnaces. And the very last thing that was done was to check for gas leaks.

Furnaces 10 years ago to the present:

Today's furnaces and boilers don't need the kind of attention from the service man like furnaces of the past did. On most modern furnaces all that needs to be checked is the "flame sensor". The furnaces of today pretty much watch themselves. The burners almost never get dirty now a days because they are working in a mostly closed (80 plus furnaces are not, but the 90's are) environment. The blower, gas valve, and all the safety controls (including the "limit switch" and "blower switch") are run by a circuit board. The blowers are all sealed now too. They don't even need to be oiled!

So how often do we want our furnaces and boilers checked?

That's a tough question. It all depends on the environment your furnace is running in. It your furnace or boiler is running in an environment that has a lot of dust or animal hair, then it mite be worth it to have your furnace checked once a year. If your furnace is running in a relatively clean environment, you can probably get away with 2 or 3 years of not having to have to spend the money to have a clean furnace checked.

Don't forget that these new furnaces shut down when they spot the slightest problem. Some tech guys feel the only real time for home owners to have their furnaces ( don't forget where're talking new furnaces not the old clunkers) checked, is when they don't start. They don't think the cost justifies what your getting in return.

But in the end, it's the choice of the home owner to decide how often they have their heating equipment checked.

Jerry Quatrano is the proud owner of Addison Services who has 30 years experience in the Heating and A/C industry, and still likes to talk about it, along with selling great products at his site at

If you found this information helpful, please consider purchasing one of our great products.


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Monday, February 11, 2008

What are the Benifits to Installing a Furnace Humidifier

One of the most common health issues that plague our society is dehydration. Most of the tissue in the body is composed of water. If it loses the water, the tissue dries up. It's elasticity goes, and with it function declines. Besides dry skin, the symptoms of dehydration include chronic joint and muscle pain, raspy throat, sore eyes and lack of mental concentration.

There are two ways to combat dehydration, and both are essential; drink a lot of water, and maintain the relative humidity in the home and office at comfortable levels with the use of a furnace humidifier.

How does humidity AFFECT our health?

Conditioning the amount of moisture in the air with a furnace humidifier is necessary for your family's health. Dry air in your home can make your throat feel dry, and cause or aggravate respiratory ailments.

Inadequate humidification during cold weather is one of the major causes of respiratory infections. The heating seasons causes people to begin having repeated attacks of winter colds. Winter is blamed for these problems, but the actual cause is dryness, which develops in the membranes of the nose, throat and bronchial tubes. Relative humidity also has a significant effect on controlling the occurrence of airborne infections.

The one thing we can do about alleviating some of the discomfort of colds, dry noses and dehydrated skin is to install a humdifier in the home, where we spend most of our time. Actually, for many, dry air is an air-quality issue. Dry air promotes the growth of some bacteria, viruses and respiratory irritants that in sensitive individuals cause conditions worse than dry skin. Adequate moisture enables the body's immune system to defend better against indoor respiratory pollutants and irritants.

How will a furnace humidifier affect your comfort?

Humidity in the home will affect your comfort. Since the air in your home is always trying to reach its saturation point, it will absorb water wherever it's found, that means it is stealing moisture from the bodies of you and your children, your pets, your furniture and even your house plants. By giving up moisture to the air, your skin, throat and nasal passages dry out and crack leading to various physical discomfort. That's why many doctors recommend furnace humidifiers for allergy and asthma sufferers.

How does humidity AFFECT my house?

Virtually everything in your home made from wood contains some moisture. As dry air sucks that moisture out, the wood shrinks and cracks. Hardwood floors separate at the seams, furniture shrinks and cracks, and doors warp and no longer fit their frames as the moisture is drawn off.

Also, perhaps the most annoying effect of dry indoor air is static shock. How many times have you shuffled across the carpet, only to be rudely surprised by the crackle of static as you reach for the light switch! It's no fun when it happens to you, and even less so when you reach out and "zap" a loved one. With the capacity to hold a static charge up to 20,000 volts, your body can also wreak havoc on home computers and other sensitive electronic devices. By maintaining indoor relative humidity at 35 percent or higher with the use of a humidifier, static shocks are greatly reduced.

Are there any other BENEFITS to installimg a furnace humidifier in the home?

Yes! Proper relative humidity helps you save energy costs. Warm, humid summer air feels hotter than it actually is because of the moisture it contains. That same principle applies to your home in the winter. By keeping the relative humidity inside your home at an ideal level, you can turn your thermostat down a few degrees and still feel comfortable. Dialing down your thermostat just three degrees can reduce your heating bill by as much as 5%.

Pat Johnson - President of Enviro-Pure Air Care Duct Cleaning and Furnace Humidifier installations, located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Visit their furnace hmidifier page at Furnace humidifiers Ottawa

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Heating Your Home - Why You Need A Furnace Tune Up

Fall is here and winter is not far behind. It's time to think about how you're going to keep warm this winter without breaking the bank.

The main thing is to have your furnace checked and tuned. Whether electric, propane, gas or a heat pump.

Do this early before the cold spells hit. If you wait until your area's first arctic blast you may have to wait several weeks, yes weeks until there is a technician able come out to your home.

Your heating equipment has been sitting dormant for several months and by having your equipment tuned up before you actually need it you can save hundreds (yes hundreds) in unnecessary repair calls.

Many people that wait until the cold hits find that their equipment fails at the most crucial time. A tune up can prevent the failure of your equipment and catch many other problems which can result in expensive repairs.

Also having your furnace tuned up and checked before you use it could prevent things like a crack developing in your heat exchanger in a gas or propane furnace which results in carbon monoxide being pumped into your home. A dangerous occurrence that happens much too frequently due to furnace neglect.

A break in your electrical elements in your electrical furnace could cause a fire.

A leak in your heat pump could lead to a break down in your compressor and reversing valve which could destroy the most important and expensive parts of your unit.

Check Angie's list for reputable HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) companies in your area if you don't already have an HVAC company you're working with and trust.

Sign up for more tidbits on taking care of hearth and home at Home Making Organized

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Benefits of Electrostatic High Efficiency Furnace Filters

As the owner of Enviro-Pure Air Care, a successful air duct cleaning company In Ottawa, Ontario, canada. I am often consulted upon for my educational experience regarding indoor air quality issues. With the advancements being made in air filtration I am often asked for my opinion on various filtration options one of which are Electrostatic furnace filters.As a duct cleaning technician myself, I am a strong advocate of electrostatic air filters.

I have written a brief summary of the benefits of owning such a filter

-Savings: Electrostatic air Filter will help keep heating components and A/C coils from being coated with dust particles. Dirt is the #1 cause of heating & cooling system failures, and a cleaner system also operates more efficiently which saves you money on both energy consumption and equipment repairs. Additionally, you will never have to Buy another filter again thus saving you a huge amount of money over a short time!

-Allergy Relief: Asthma, allergy and respiratory symptoms can be significantly reduced when exposure to dust, pollen, mold spores and animal dander is controlled with this quality filter, often saving you further money on Allergy medications

-Housekeeping: Household dust will be collected in this filter when the furnace or A/C system is operating. Less frequent dusting will be a welcome benefit to housekeeping.

-Environmentally Friendly: These filters are a lifetime filter, you will no longer have to toss out disposable filters every month (The environment will love you for it)

-Easy to Maintain: Instead of replacing your standard throw away filter, your new permanent electrostatic filter simply needs to be cleaned periodically to achieve best filtration results and optimum furnace efficiency.

Keeping your Air and Your HVAC System Clean

Having your duct system professionally cleaned is a vital part of dramatically improving the indoor air in your home. The addition of a high performance air filter will provide many benefits and intervals for duct cleaning. Electrostatic high performance efficiency furnace filters removes dust, pollen, mold spores and animal dander as the air circulates through your central system. Clean, filtered air benefits the entire family. Children and the Elderly are most effected by indoor air pollution and will benefit greatly from the clean air that exits from this filter.

How does it work?

Electrostatic filters work on the principal of "static electricity" not "electricity". The filter media has a Negative charge throughout the entire surface which is enhanced by air passing through, Tiny Particles such as dust, pollen and mold have a Positive charge and are therefore attracted to the filter like a magnet . These particulates are the culprits of our indoor environmental air pollution. Electrostatic furnace filter is designed to trap these particles and remove them from the air that you breathe.

Pat Johnson - President of Enviro-Pure Air Care, an Ottawa based Air Duct Cleaning company located in Ontario, Canada

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Light Up Your Natural Furnace for Burning Fat

There exists an Ephedra-free and Ma Huang-free formula that uses natural thermogenic ingredients to enhance fat loss for your body. What's its name and why is it so special?

The product is called Isagenix Natural Accelerator. Its carefully selected natural ingredients--such as cayenne, green tea, cinnamon, and ginseng--help kindle the natural furnace inside you to melt away unwanted pounds. This is also a part of the Isagenix fat-burning 9 day program ( ) and the 30 day program ( ) to consider for a more intense effort to shed away the inches that you want gone.

Benefits Summary:

* Enhances natural fat loss * Natural thermogenic nutrients * Provides lipotropic nutrients * A rich supply of niacin * Helps satisfy appetite * No Ephedra, no Ma Huang, no caffeine added

Go to for more information and ordering Isagenix Natural Accelerator product.

( Results may vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Isagenix products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.)

Brian is an Isagenix Independent Associate who wishes to share his knowledge about health enhancing products. His website is for product information and ordering.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

High Temperature Molten Splash Protection for Electric Arc Furnace Power Cables

The Problem

When a water cooled power cable is used in severe environments such as powering an EAF (Electric Arc Furnace) in a steel mill there is an enormous potential for heat, flames, ash or molten splash to severely damage the electrical cables (or series of cables) thus crippling the melting operation. This translates into unscheduled maintenance and lost production time. In some instances these costs have been estimated as high as $100,000 / hr depending on the size of the operation and production schedules.

The water-cooled furnace power cables provide a flexible source of power to permit movement of the electrode arms up and down and to allow swinging the electrode arms and roof back and forth when charging the furnace. The power cables consist of copper wire strands forming a round spiral construction which are attached to copper terminals at either end of the cable. A low temperature rubber jacket around the outside of the cable allows cooling water to flow through the cable assembly. The rubber hose is attached at either end of the cable using stainless steel clamps, vulcanized bumpers or an anti-chaffing type hose.

The danger is that molten metal splash caused by "wet charges", or flame impingement, extreme heat, etc. will damage an unprotected power cable. This can cause a chain reaction of catastrophic events including loss in water cooling resulting in overheating or shorting of the electrical power cables and halting the melting process.

Given the large diameter of the rubber hoses surrounding the power cables and proximity to the EAF, there is a significant landing area for sparks, molten metal splash, etc. In many applications the cables are left completely unprotected and exposed to severe high temperature environments. In some cases the rubber cooling water hose is wrapped with inexpensive fiberglass tape or sleeve that offer minimal protection against possible hazards.

The Solution

With a minimal capital investment, Worbo Inc.'s severe duty protective molten splash away sleeve may be installed to wrap around new or existing water cooled power cables to resist heat, flame, ash and large intermittent exposure to molten metal splash. Worbo Inc's development of a highly flexible, molten splash resistant, easily installed and completely non-conductive sleeving solution is a perfect fit for this application.

The Technology

Manufactured and designed with 100% Non-Conductive materials specifically for safe non-arcing use in close proximity to AC or DC EAF's.

The hydrophobic, low surface energy, non-stick "Splash Away" properties of the thick silicone coating sheds large random but potentially hazardous amounts of 3000˚F molten metal splash to help maintain the integrity of the water cooled power cable until the next scheduled maintenance period.

Equipped with a hook and loop self gripping closure, EAF Cable Molten Splash away sleeve is easily field installed (or removed for maintenance) without cable disconnection.

High Shear and Peel Hook and loop self gripping closure is designed specifically for this application to ensure closure doesn't separate during severe "jumping", "bouncing" and "bumping" of cables during furnace arc and "cold starts".

Combination of Heavy duty "Splash Away" silicone shield coating on thick high temperature fiberglass substrate helps insulate and defend against intermittent bouts of molten metal splash, flame impingement, burning airborne particles and high temperatures.

The Economic Benefits

Depending on the application the cost to procure and install a high temperature jacketing system could be as low as $30/ft. Relative to the enormous costs associated with unscheduled maintenance and lost production time this represent an insignificant capital investment that could pay for itself several times over through the prevention of a single unscheduled maintenance event.

The Conclusion

Protecting electric arc furnace power cables exposed to sever high temperature environments with a high temperature jacketing system will significantly reduce unscheduled maintenance and lost production time.

Product Development Engineer Thermal Protection Solutions Group Worbo Inc. An Innovative Company North America 877-743-4004 International 705-743-4000 Facsimile 705-743-3226 E-Mail Website

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tips For Buying A Furnace

A furnace is a device found in the home used for heating. There are several types of furnaces available. A central heating device is found in most homes and distributes warm air throughout the house, heating it. A stove is typically a large appliance where wood is burned to generate heat in the area. Room heaters are small, electrical appliances that provide heat to a small space. Most houses have some form of central heating and some people have a stove. Many people opt for a stove as a decorative piece but it is rare to see one nowadays for use as the prime heating source. If you are thinking of replacing a furnace or buying a new one, there are several things to consider.


The size of your home will dictate the size of the furnace needed. If the furnace is too small to accommodate your needs, it will have to work harder to heat the home. Purchasing a furnace that is too large can be inefficient and they are typically more expensive. The overall use of the furnace will increase energy costs. Request a load calculation before choosing the furnace for your home. This will help determine the proper size. If replacing a furnace, do not simply go with a model that is similar to the old one. Instead, do some research as the one that came with the house may not have been the proper size.


High efficiency furnaces can be very expensive. The payoff, though, is in the long run because they will eventually save you money on heating bills. If you live in a colder climate where the heater will be running for extended periods of time, investing in a high efficiency model may be ideal. If, however, you do not often use the system often, a less efficient model will likely save money. In order for the investment to pay off, you will have to calculate the energy savings with the additional cost of the unit. Sometimes this may take a long time to be beneficial.


After determining the size and efficiency of the unit needed, begin researching costs. Also take into consideration installation which is typically performed by a licensed HVAC contractor. Shop around for the best possible price and get several quotes for comparison. Choose the one that has the best costs with the desired features.

Buying a furnace can help reduce energy costs while keeping your home warm during cold weather. With a little research, buying a new furnace does not need to be difficult. Ensure you are buying the proper size furnace for your home. Determine the level of efficiency that will save the most money. Then, shop around and get quotes for the best price.
Gray Rollins is a featured writer for To learn more about buying a furnace and furnace costs, visit us.

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Monday, February 4, 2008

Outdoor Wood Furnace Benefits

An out door wood furnace has many benefits over many other types of heating. Some of the benefits include: It uses a renewable energy source, wood is cheaper then heating with gas or oil, With an Outdoor wood furnace, you do not have to haul wood into house, which can make a mess, outdoor wood furnaces are very safe compared many other heating sources, and although slightly more work than just turning up a thermostat it's much more satisfying.

Not all outdoor wood furnaces are created equal. Check for high quality steel, stainless tends to last longer. Look for a quality warranty. One thing to remember very often with an investment this big it's better not to skimp on a couple hundred dollars if it will save you thousands later in the stove's lifetime.

Always check for certification on your outdoor wood furnace. UL, CSA, Warnock Hersey, or some other legal certification company should certify it. In many states, it may be illegal to install a furnace without certification. Also without certification, many insurance companies will not cover damages to your house because of an illegal outdoor wood furnace

Make sure to check with your town or county to see if you need a building permit. Or other type of permit to install a outdoor wood furnace.

It doesn't hurt to stick with quality systems that have been around for quite of few years. An example would be Empyre Outdoor Wood Furnace

Looking for more information on this or any other home and real estate advice check out

Striving to be the best source for home improvement, real estate, and other home information.

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Home Heating-Furnaces to Space Heaters, Inspections are Important

The thought of snow, cold and blowing winds lead to thoughts of warm blankets, furnaces and glowing fires. Home heating is a very important subject in most parts of the country, everything from furnaces to space heaters are used to keep the house toasty warm for our return from the "frozen tundra."

The heating sources that are used can lead to dire consequences if used improperly. Space heaters, for example are responsible for numerous house fires every year. The use of these devises for home heating requires responsibility and constant awareness of the safety issues they present. However, the use of space heaters can be a way to lower heating costs when the price of heating fuel rises by allowing you to use electricity instead.

When shopping for a space heater look for a model that stays cool to the touch and that has a wide base. These two options will make the heater safer to operate. Never use a space heater around a child, even if that child is asleep, the effect of a burn from the unit can be devastating. The chance of a child waking up and stumbling into the heater causing it to tip over and catch on fire is too great to risk.

When preparing your home heating plan for the winter season, it is not enough just to turn the furnace on and hope for the best, it needs to be serviced on a yearly basis to ensure its safety and reliability. Without this inspection, you could, literally be playing with fire.

The furnace inspection will consist of a visual inspection, cleaning of the furnace, detection of carbon monoxide (CO) as well as the checking the burner, ducts and pilot light. This is a short list of what an inspection consists of, but is a good indicator of what to expect when the licensed professional knocks on your door.

The visual portion of the inspection will help to detect any cracks that may exist in the heat exchanger. These cracks may result in the leakage of carbon monoxide fumes into the home. The flue will also be tested for the reason of detecting carbon monoxide (CO) gasses that may leak from the furnace. To be on the safe side, it is best to install a carbon monoxide (CO) detector in the main sleeping areas of the home to warn of a possible danger.

The inspectors will also be cleaning the furnace ducts of dust that has accumulated throughout the summer. Dust can be combustible therefore, it is necessary to remove it before starting the furnace. The burner and pilot light will also be inspected to ensure that they are working properly.

Follow these tips when heating your home this winter and sleep peacefully at night knowing that you have done you duty to protect your family, when they are snuggled in their beds as well.

Linda Moore writes on a variety of subjects including home ownership, family matters, travel, personal enrichment, lowering your heating bills and home air purifiers

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Top 5 Tips On Keeping Your Furnace Air Filters Clean

When it comes to household cleaning, you must make sure that your furnace air filters are clean and monitored regularly. Air filters are essential for removing particles from the air to ensure you have a good quality of air inside your house. In addition, it should be well taken care of and it should be checked once in a while to ensure its effectiveness. First and foremost, you must have your gas equipment checked regularly.
It is strongly suggested that you change and clean your air filters. Imagine having dirty furnace filters. They increase your heating expenses and lessen the life span of your furnace. You should inspect and check your replacement filters at least once a month. During the heating or cooling seasons, be sure to check them at least twice a month.

Make sure to clean and wash them monthly if you have permanent filters. Electronic air cleaner filters should be cleaned and washed every one or two months. When checking on the blower motor, be sure that you have turned off the electric power first before working on the motor. If your furnace belt is broken or damaged, replace it immediately. And make sure that the part you are using for replacement is the right part. It is good to have a spare belt on hand at all times. Be sure to turn off the power first before making any adjustments or modifications. When oiling the fan monitor, always check the motor keenly. There are some types of furnaces that need not be lubricated. However, most of the fan motors need regular oiling.

In addition, when examining the fan or blower, make sure that the fins on the blower fan are dust-free and have no dirt on them. Make sure that the frame or housing of the fan is free of debris. When checking on the dehumidifier, make sure that you set the proper humidity level to save on heating expenses. It is advised that you clean your humidifier one a month. However, if you are using hard water, you need to check on it more often. You should replace the pad or wick of your humidifier once a year. It is important to check the chimneys and vents. But before that, you should examine whether your chimney or vent is obstructed with debris. If you have metal chimneys, paint the exposed metal chimney with an outdoor primer then apply outdoor latex paint to inhibit rust.

It is advised that you keep your furnace area clean and tidy. As much as possible, do not store chemicals, paint strippers, paint thinners, chlorine, kerosene, gasoline and other similar chemicals in the furnace room. Remove any obstructions that could get in the way when you are examining the furnace.
These are just some of the tips that you can follow in order to maintain that dust-free household air that you have always wanted using air filters.Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Health. To access more articles on air filters or for additional information and resources on clean air visit this air filters website.

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